Category Archive:contest

Get A Chance To Win Any Of These Games ( Momimhar posted on May 1st, 2014 )

Whenever we go to the grandparents’ house, one of the things that DD enjoys the most is playing card games with her grandma and cousins.  She loved floor puzzles and a particular card game called Old Maid.  I feel happy that my little one is interested in these things.  Playing child-friendly card games brings fun to family bonding time at home.  So I wouldn’t mind winning another card game from this giveaway.  🙂

(Image not mine)

(Image not mine)

Starting Friday, May 2nd 2014 1:00 a.m.  a GIVEAWAY for 1 Game!  

You can select 1 of these games: 

  • Splash Pals
  • Splash Jack Royal
  • Splash Jack
  • Splashimals
  • Touring
  • Aggravation

Giveaway only valid in the Continental USA compliments of, Hosted by Me here on! You must complete ALL Mandatory entries listed here on the Giveaway Widget to be entered, then there are other entry choices are optional, but gain you more chances of being selected.  Feel free to do them all!  Giveaway Ends May 25th 2014 10:00 a.m.

Thanks for reading and enjoy some family time off the computer and video game systems being a family having REAL-TIME FUN!

Good Luck Everyone! for a ton of games you could get for your family!


COMMENTS: 12 Comments »

Categories: contest, entertainment, games, kids

Game Over ( Momimhar posted on April 11th, 2012 )

Alright!  I have a winner in the Guessing Game.  Oh, actually there are two winners.  I appreciate everyone – bloggers and non-bloggers – who participated in my very first contest for Mommy’s Bright Bundles.

As a proof, here’s a video of my daughter asking for a pickle.  She really likes pickles.

Congratulations to Blog & Me and Ohms and Volts!  You will receive PayPal Cash as preferred.  Thank you so much for playing and I hope you had fun in the game too.  Until next time.

COMMENTS: Comments Closed

Categories: baby, baby development, contest, games, milestone

Guessing Game Win $15 Gift Card Or PayPal Cash ( Momimhar posted on April 5th, 2012 )

One of the most remarkable milestone a baby achieves is the speech development.  This is the time when babies can express themselves by uttering jabbered words.  Even different kinds of sounds they make with their mouth is a form of experimenting how they can use their tongue and lips as preparation to talk.  My toddler is doing a good job developing her speech.  At 15 months, she can say more than 30 words.  And she is learning new words everyday.  That is a good sign that my little one does not have speech problems.  Her comprehension is fine too.

Sometimes, it takes time for us parents to figure out what word our babies are uttering.  Here is a word that my little princess learned just recently.  It sounds funny because my husband and I couldn’t figure out at first.  Here it is:  “Puu-chuush”.

The story was:  My husband came home from work one evening and went straight to the kitchen to put his beer in the fridge.  Upon opening the fridge door, our daughter pointed on something in the fridge and tried to reach for it.  Her daddy said, “You want this _____?”  Then she tried saying it as puu-chuush.

I posted a status on Facebook trying to get my friends guess what it is.  Nobody got the right answer so far.  I think it’s fun!  So I am creating a Guessing Game for this.  This is also in celebration for my baby’s Easter Egg Hunt this year.  Whoever guessed the right word for ‘puu-chuush’, will get a $15 gift card from a store you like, or PayPal cash of the same amount.  I will have it run for a week from 4/6-4/14, so put your guess in comments on this post. As soon as someone guessed the right answer first, the game is over.

All you have to do is think of the things (food stuff) that we can find in the fridge.  Hint #1:  It is NOT a drink.  Thank you and have fun guessing at Mommy’s Bright Bundles!

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