Category Archive:bedtime routine

Play Date And Egg Hunt ( Momimhar posted on April 8th, 2014 )


Filling the plastic eggs for tomorrow’s egg hunt.

My cousin Emz told me that there will be an Easter Egg Hunt at a park in town tomorrow.  She will be taking her two kids there and she invited me and DD to go too.  We have to bring eggs for the Egg Hunt and snacks to share with everyone.  So this evening, my darling daughter and I went to Dollar General to buy some plastic eggs, basket, and treats.  We also bought a couple packs of little girls’ rings with Disney Princess and Doc McStuffins.  She love those characters.  DD was very excited and she helped me fill the plastic eggs with the goodies.

At bedtime, she wanted me to read Max’s Easter Surprise (Max and Ruby) and The Story Of The Easter Bunny by Katherine Tegen.  These two books are her favorites as of the moment.  Reading a book is part of our bedtime routine.

We are looking forward to a pleasant weather tomorrow.  I bet the children will have a wonderful time egg hunting.  This will be my first time to join this group of moms’ event.  My cousin had mentioned that she’s a member of this moms’ group.  So tomorrow I’ll try to get to know them and may join.

I Promised To Bake Cupcakes ( Momimhar posted on May 1st, 2012 )

I began reading to my baby when I was pregnant with her.  Up to now, we enjoyed reading books together especially when it is time for bed.  Reading books before bedtime helps her go to sleep and also gives my baby time to bond with me or with her daddy.  She has few bedtime books.  So far, her favorite books are Dora Says Goodnight  and The Wheels On The Bus.  Sometimes she points to her Counting Purse book.  And on the number 8 page, she sees the eight cupcakes and tries to bite them. The other night she focused on the eight cupcakes in the book.  I told her I will bake her cupcakes in the morning.

Brownies made cupcakes

And here’s the cupcakes.  Well, I did not have a cupcake mix.  So I baked the brownies mix and poured the mixture in the cupcake cups. When I gave them to my baby, she just ate like half of the cupcake and focused on picking the toppings.  Baby was very excited and happy to see real cupcakes.

So whenever we read her Countin Purse book and we come to the 8 cupcakes, I tell her that we ate cupcakes, they’re yummy, and we’ll bake some again soon.

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Categories: bedtime routine, bonding, child's learning, kids books

Baby Bedtime Routine ( Momimhar posted on September 12th, 2011 )

As I was playing with my baby last night, my youngest sister who is in college called long distance asking for a favor.  She wanted me to help her with her report.  Her professor gave her and two other classmates (in her group) a topic about insurance. I told my sister that as soon as her niece goes to sleep, I will help her research.

My baby and I have a routine every night before going to bed.  After a bed time bath and already in her pajamas, I let her relax for a while in her crib by playing the music from the Lambie.  We play a little while then we read a book (at least one).  When she shows sleepiness I give her milk and we will rock on the rocking chair.  There are times my little one would fall asleep in my arms.  As I put baby in the crib a good night kiss, “I love you”, and “Sweet dreams” make her feel safe and secure.

The I took my netbook and searched for the insurance company that my sister told me about.  I created a couple of documents for her to study and to present on the day of the report.  That includes the benefits of acquiring healthcare/medical coverage in cases of hospitalization due to pregnancy and delivery.

I hope my sister and her group will do a good job reporting tomorrow.

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Categories: baby, bedtime routine, insurance benefits

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