My Toddler Girl’s Closet Needs To Be Organized ( Momimhar posted on March 5th, 2014 )

I need to organize this closet. :)

I need to organize this closet. 🙂

This is my darling daughter’s closet.  She doesn’t have very much in her closet but it looks messy and I need to organize it.  One of my big projects I have planned for my household is organizing the closets:  the master’s closet, the guest room’s closet, and most especially my toddler girl’s closet.  There’s so many outgrown toddler clothes that I need to give to my niece in the Philippines.  Some of them I want to donate or maybe sell thru a garage sale.

See how unorganized this is?  I need to eliminate unwanted and unused stuff in my daughter’s bedroom like infant toys, outgrown clothing and shoes, stuffed or plush toys, books, and seasonal items.  My life as a full-time mom and housewife is busy that sometimes I am having a hard time finishing what I started.  But I am doing my best.  I want to accomplish something big this year.

I am looking on Pinterest on kids closet decorating and organizing ideas.  So far I have seen so many great presentations and tips.  I don’t want to overdo everything.  And an inspiration or two is enough for me.  I will start in a very simple organization then will add some pretty little things here and there one step at a time.


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Categories: girls closet, home, kids, kids closet

7 responses

  1. It’s a lot organized than my children’s closet hehehe. So I definitely need to organize theirs.
    Chubskulit Rose recently posted…RoboWorld #CarnegieScienceCenterMy Profile

  2. It’s actually a bit organized (mine’s worst, lol!) but yes, I guess it could be better. Show us the end result soon!
    Aisha Kristine Chong recently posted…Popular Jewelry Trends for Women: What to Buy This SeasonMy Profile

  3. Mommy Peach says:

    Your daughter’s closet is muc more organized that mine.
    Mommy Peach recently posted…Tough Love: Joy with a Touch of OlayMy Profile

  4. jared's mum says:

    now i think the closet looks organized + orderly! very little work is needed to keep your little girl’s closet spic ‘n span! 🙂

  5. […] organization but, at least, I did something and made it more pleasing to the eyes.  Kids’ unorganized closet just adds to everyday chores if we don’t start getting rid of the […]

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