Monthly Archives:February 2014

Dora Tent ( Momimhar posted on February 28th, 2014 )

“Thank you for making this tent, mommy.  I love it!”

It is always fun to play especially when kids’ imagination works completely that they think of something remarkable beyond what they see.  Simple things make them happy when their minds work and create a situation where they pretend to become someone whom they idolize or copy.

This Dora tent has been up for three days.  Why?  My little one doesn’t want to put it down because she still wants to play and sleep in this tent.  Actually, I let her help build it.  I wanted her to take part in activities like creating and building even in simple things so she can develop her sense of responsibility and engagement.  She was very proud of it, you know.  As soon as her daddy got home from work, she excitedly showed the tent to him.  And her dad said, “See what you can do with your imagination.  It looks nice.”

DD's Dora tent :)

DD’s Dora tent 🙂

Darling daughter and I slept on the couch (in the tent) the other night.  She seemed to be attached to it.  But it was for the tent to go down.  My daughter didn’t want to but I explained that we will put up the tent anytime.

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Categories: home, kids, play time, toddler stage, toys

We’ll Be Picking Up The Jones Family At The Airport Tomorrow ( Momimhar posted on February 24th, 2014 )

Time really passes by when you are having fun.  My cousin’s three-week long vacation back home (in the Philippines) is over and they’re heading back here in Texas tomorrow.  At 9:30 P.M. and 11:30 A.M. there, I am pretty sure they’re already on the flight back to Dallas, Texas.

It really feels great to go on a vacation to see family and friends.  Traveling with the whole family is somewhat exciting yet exhausting, too.  With two toddlers, there might be some issues on keeping the kids sit still.  We know how active and curious toddlers are.  But like my darling daughter, my cousin’s kids are behaved.

My little one couldn’t wait to see her cousins.  She already made a plan that when they get back, they will play at their house and she will tell her about the toys she wants to receive this Christmas.  And she said they will go to McDonald’s, to the play area in the mall, and play dress up.  How nice!

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Categories: kids, travel and vacation, traveling with a toddler

Daddy Has Two Girls Now For Valentine’s Day ( Momimhar posted on February 14th, 2014 )

Happy Valentine’s Day!


I hope y’all had a great celebration.  Some you had a dinner date or a trip out of town.  I bet you had a great time.  Me and my family didn’t go anywhere except having dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant just two three miles from our house.  We didn’t drive too far because we know how traffic it can be this occasion is on a Friday.  Did you receive something special from your loved ones?  Sorry for being nosy. 🙂  Whatever it is, I know it’s given to you sweetly and romantically. 🙂

My darling daughter and I went to the grocery store I think yesterday or two days ago to buy a Valentine’s card for daddy.  She loves looking and buying greeting cards.  She even wanted to buy a birthday card for her Na-na who’s birthday is coming first week of March.  So we got one, too.  This evening when daddy came home, he had flowers greeting cards, and chocolates for his girls.  🙂 DD was very excited to see and read her Valentine’s card.  It’s so cute!  She wanted to know what’s the message in my card so daddy read it to her.  She’s just a curious girl.


Now here’s DD with the Valentine’s Day card she received from her daddy.  🙂  She really a loves it.  And she couldn’t wait to eat the chocolates so she had two pieces of Hershey’s Kisses.

Pretty little Valentine's Day card for DD. :)

Pretty little Valentine’s Day card for DD. 🙂

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