Your Sister Is Your Bestfriend ( Momimhar posted on January 24th, 2014 )

Your sister is the first female friend you will have in your life.  Nobody will ever be able to understand your craziness like your sister. And although you don’t see each other as much as you would like, she will always remain your friend and be there for you whenever you need her the most.  While people will come and go in your life, your sister will be in your heart for a lifetime.

I found this quote from someone on Facebook.  I shared it on my profile and sharing it here as well.  Yes, our sisters are our best friends.  So love your sisters like you love your parents. 

I miss my siblings, I love them so much.

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Categories: family, friend, friendship

14 responses

  1. Dhemz says:

    oh how sweet! I wish I have sisters growing up.
    Dhemz recently posted…Fine Leather Satchels from Far Horizon TradersMy Profile

  2. I have a sister, she is next to me and we are very close. I miss her terribly.
    Chubskulit Rose recently posted…SEO Clerks #ObamaCare #FoodStamps #SONAMy Profile

  3. I love my sister so much and she is my best friend!
    Peachy @ The Peach Kitchen recently posted…Food Trends and Plating at the Unilever Food Solutions KitchenMy Profile

  4. Wow really beautiful quotes…i hope i had sister but suddenly i don’t have because i’m the only girl on us…
    Rh0ze | My OnlinecWorld recently posted…Disappointed?My Profile

  5. Michelle F. says:

    My sister is my best friend, was my maid of honor, we are godmothers to our children. I love her very much and we are super close.
    Michelle F. recently posted…Dial Vitamin Boost Body Wash #Review and #GiveawayMy Profile

  6. what a lovely quote to start the week! This reminds me to keep my priority to be in touch with my siblings. life is just soo busy and there are times I just miss them bad..
    Kero Pinkihan recently posted…Fondue and Foie Gras: Fancy Fare at Home for Valentine’s DayMy Profile

  7. Very sweet quote …I’ve always wanted to have a sister to share that type of bond because I’m a girl…but I got stuck with a brother (JUST KIDDING). The 6-year difference between our ages was difficult to deal with when we were younger, but as adults..our relationship has blossomed into something pretty special!
    Yona Williams recently posted…7 Ways to Get Compliments on Your Gift Wrapping SkillsMy Profile

  8. I wish I had a sister while growing up. Seems like such a special bond!

  9. cindy b says:

    I love this and so fitting of my sitters! xo xo
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  10. Amanda C says:

    Such a great quote! My sisters and I were not too close when we were little but as we have gotten older we realize how important family is. Love them to pieces!
    Amanda C recently posted…Day 2 of Plexus SlimMy Profile

  11. I don’t have a sister but I can imagine the bond one has with one. I do have a half brother who I miss alot because he lives so far away
    Mandy@ recently posted…Weddding Dreams – A Motivational Photography Book {Book Review}My Profile

  12. I was an only child so I never really thought about the sibling bond but I do have 5 kids and its awesome how close they are and how they are always their for each other. Honestly, I never thought of what it would have been like to have a sibling but I see them and there is no way I could imagine them being without.
    Bernadette C @Aimless Moments recently posted…*Social Sunday* FavoritesMy Profile

  13. Tiffany Steadman-Collins says:

    I totally believe this. I love my sister and did not realize just how much until she moved away:)

  14. Eliz Frank says:

    I’m very close to my sisters an cherish our relationship. We’ve shared a lot and the bond only gets stronger.

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