Monthly Archives:August 2013

Na-na’s Going On Vacation ( Momimhar posted on August 28th, 2013 )

My darling daughter told me this morning that she’s had a dream about her Na-na and Paw-Paw coming over.  She was crying because she doesn’t see them in the house.  I told her that we can call them and say ‘hi’.  Then she stopped crying.

I called my mother-in-law (MIL) this afternoon to ask if it’s okay to come visit them tomorrow and spend the night.  She said it’s bad timing because she is busy getting ready for the trip on Monday.  She, her son and his wife are flying to Asia for a getaway.  But mom said she will come over to our house on Saturday and spend the night before she heads to my brother-in-law’s house the next day.  DD surely will love the idea of having Na-na for the weekend.  In fact, she’s excited to see her.

I know mom is excited about this trip.  It’s going to be a wonderful experience, I know.  I hope they will have a very satisfactory experience at the hotel they’ll be staying in.  Getting the best customer service is the most important.  An example is knowing that the hotel has everything that guests need, which they have for sure, the stay is awesome!  Hotel Supply online gives discounts to hotels and hospitality establishments with bulk purchases.

Whenever my dear husband and I go on vacation, he always checks the Hotel Bar Supplies in our hotel suite.  I am so looking forward to our next long vacation.  In order for us to save money for travel, I have to work again.  I am feeling jealous of my friend right now who is working in Atlanta Hotel Supply store in Georgia.  Hopefully soon I can find a job and go back to work again.

And so darling daughter and I are going to be a bit busy cleaning and tidying up the house tomorrow.  I will take her to the play park in the morning first.

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Categories: family, kids, lifestyle, travel and vacation

Ms. Batman’s Birthday Party ( Momimhar posted on August 11th, 2013 )

My friend’s daughter turned 5  today.  Wow!  How quick the time passes and how fast she is growing.  We were invited to her birthday party held in Mesquite today.  This time, it’s in a covered venue which is in a recreation center in Mesquite.  With a high temperature of almost a hundred today, we wouldn’t be able to stand the heat outside.  And the kids could have been fussy and irritable and sweaty, too.  It’s a great idea that my friend and her husband held the birthday party indoors.

Getting to the venue was quite uneasy.  I had to drive through a couple of streets because I missed the turn.  I took the correct exit but instead of turning left, I continued driving straight which took me back to the Interstate.  What an…! Good thing the next exit is closer so I just took that and went driving in squares until I reached the destination.  Gladly we arrived on time.  Hah!

My darling daughter and I loved the theme of this pretty birthday girl.  She’s Batman!  Her outfit is Batman.  The cake and party supplies are batman.  When we arrived, DD greeted her immediately.  And I happen to hear this cute conversation:

DD: “Hi, KC! Happy birthday!”
KC: “Thank you!”
DD: “You’re wearing a costume? Are you a superhero?”
KC: “Yea, I am batman.”
DD: “Can you fly?”
KC: “Not yet.”
DD: “Oh.”

I was laughing inside myself.  I thought it was funny but cute.  Then afterward, they played ‘tag your it’.

It was a great and well-attended party. There were lots of food and dessert.  Again, DD had a wonderful time at the party.


KC is 5!


The young superhero. Happy birthday! 🙂


“Here’s my goodies, mommy.”

Thanks to my dear friend AR and family.

Summer Intro Ballet Dance Show-Off ( Momimhar posted on August 8th, 2013 )

As I mentioned before, I enrolled my darling daughter in a ballet class last month and yesterday was the last day of the Summer Intro Ballet class for toddlers age 2-3.  I am very happy that our little princess gets excited about this activity and whenever I tell her it’s time to go to the dance class, she will not forget about it.  What I didn’t like during the whole period of the class was, the ballet outfit didn’t come until the last week.  My daughter could have worn it during the whole period.


Our little ballerina. 🙂

Anyway, we were told to watch the kids during the last five minutes of the session because  they will have a short dance presentation.  So the parents including me and dear husband (who came home early from work) were invited inside the dance room to watch the little ones dance.  They looked so cute in their outfits.  So adorable, indeed.  My little girl was having fun.

I am thinking of enrolling DD again for the Fall and Winter Intro Ballet dance classes.  Then they will have a recital in June of next year.  I am kinda excited.  🙂


Wall art at the dance studio.


Summer Intro Ballet dance show-off.

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