Daily Archives: 08/25/2012

Shopped For School Shoes For The Kids ( Momimhar posted on August 25th, 2012 )

Oh, I am pretty excited about my purchases recently.  Yeah I availed Famous Footwear’s BOGO offer for Back-to-School promo.  I bought pairs of school shoes for my sisters, niece, and nephews.  One I really liked is the Reebok EasyTone athletic shoes.  Geez, they did not have a size 5.  I should’ve bought a pair for myself too.

Anyway, my sisters are getting anxious about their new shoes.  Well, I told them I will be bringing them with us when we go in December.  That would be our Christmas gift to them.  So next year they will have new shoes to wear to school.  In addition, the package of gifts has shipped.  Hopefully, it will be delivered in December while we’re there.

Like I said before, the kids back home need new shoes to wear to school-preferably rain boots on rainy days.  Those will prevent their feet from getting wet in mud and puddles.  Also rain boots protect their feet from getting dirty.  We do not want them to get sick on rainy days.  This time of the year is wet in the Philippines.  So chances of bad weather and rain is high because of storms.  So good rain gear to wear to school such as rain boots and durable school shoes are very beneficial.  Hurray to BOGO on footwear!

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Categories: child safety, health, kids, shopping

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