I always keep track of my niece and nephews schooling. As much as possible, I want to talk to them every week. But it’s not that easy because of the big time difference between the US and the Philippines. I am content with at least twice a month long distance calls and text messages from my sisters and brother. I learned that the kids’ exams for the first period of the school year is this week. That’s quick. It seems like they enrolled two weeks ago. Anyway, first periodical exams are taken from the basics and familiarization of the subjects in class. It gets a little difficult in the second to the fourth (final) examinations where digging into the deep parts of the subject matter takes place.
Kids should develop good studying habits especially when examinations are coming up. I asked my sister if her kids do their homework and if they don’t play too much. I am happy that my niece and nephews do well in school. In fact, my nephew who is in the kindergarten got a high score in his exams. Out of 70 items he got 65. We are so proud. He said that the ones he missed weren’t included in the lessons he needed to review. Oh, bless his heart. He did a great job!
When my little girl goes to school, I want to be very hands-on to her. I mean want to teach her good studying habits so she gets high grades in every class.