Daily Archives: 02/10/2012

Lots Of Planning To Do ( Momimhar posted on February 10th, 2012 )

I have friends living in Australia and some of them are inviting us for a visit.  Honestly, I would love to travel to what they call “The Land Down Under” and see the beautiful places like Sydney, Brisbane, Victoria, and Melbourne. Traveling with baby for the first time might be very hard for us.  According to my cousin’s experience, it is different traveling alone and with a child.  You won’t be able to get much rest and watching your child is the high priority.

One of my girl friend asked if traveling with a pet is easy.  I believe so.  And accommodation with pets in Australia is available too.  If you have dogs for example, places with pet friendly accommodation victoria is an advantage because you can take your dogs with you anywhere or leave them for a while to rest.  You can also take them for a hike if you choose to stay on countryside cottages.

Well, we will have a lots of thinking and planning to do.  Hopefully, in the near future, our family can have the opportunity to visit our friends in Australia.

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Categories: lifestyle, travel and vacation, traveling with baby

She Finds It Interesting ( Momimhar posted on February 10th, 2012 )

Are you wondering why your bundle of joy loves tearing paper into pieces and enjoys hearing its ripping sound?  Me too.  I guess there is something about the sound of ripping paper.  My daughter finds it interesting.  Whenever she sees a magazine she turns the pages, jabbers like a grown up child reading, and then tears it to pieces afterwards.  And then, she will say “uh oh”.  She will give the pieces of paper to me, one by one.  What a cutie!  Ah, the joy of motherhood.  I will not exchange the precious moments with anything.  Every moment with my little princess is a wonderful time of bonding.

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Categories: baby development, child's learning, motherhood

Magnificent Lighting ( Momimhar posted on February 10th, 2012 )

My husband and I were very lucky to find a nice, safe apartment complex.  We lived there for two and half years until the third trimester of my pregnancy.  During that time, I enjoyed living close to the stores because our apartment is only two miles  away from the shopping complex.

Our apartment was neat and the interiors are nice.  The living room was more spacious than the kitchen and bedroom.  The kitchen was looking fantastic because of its pendant lighting.  Whenever I go to the apartment complex’s management office I kept admiring their interior decorations, furniture and chandelier lighting.  So elegant and pretty that I want to get one for our home.  My husband tells me that we will have a new lighting in the house soon.  Yay!  I am excited. 🙂

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Categories: home, lifestyle, Living, woman's interest

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