Daily Archives: 08/06/2011

Baby’s Milestones ( Momimhar posted on August 6th, 2011 )

Days are passing by so quickly.  My daughter is eight months old today.  She has been very active.  My husband and I are very proud of our little princess.  She is advance in reaching her milestones.

At three months, my baby started rolling over.   She mastered it in the fourth month.  But then, she began lifting her body on her arms and knees preparing to crawl.  In between the fifth and sixth month, my daughter was starting to crawl, sit up straight, and pull up-all in the same week!  Now she is enjoying the mobility.  I, as much as possible, am watching her all the time whenever she is on the floor playing or moving around.  And I do my best to read her a book at least once a day.

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Categories: baby, infant, milestone

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