Monthly Archives:August 2009

Another Way Of Building Friendship Online ( Momimhar posted on August 24th, 2009 )

I really find excitement in joining contests. Especially if I find the prizes interesting. Also you can interact with fellow bloggers on the Internet. They check on your website and see your public profile. They start communicating with you until you build a good friendship. The best part is winning a friend. Then you treat each other as family. Sweet is not it?


Win a Fabulous Coach Slim Envelope Wallet ( Momimhar posted on August 24th, 2009 )

I am so excited! Why? I am entering a contest, for the first time for this website of mine. And I want to share this with you all because the giveaway is worth joining for. If you love COACH brand, well, here is a good deal for you. Low priced Coach handbags and wallet are available at And as part of their summer sale, customers can save with a $10 coupon off of a $50 or more handbag/wallet with code of COACH. But be quick, the coupon expires on August 31, 2009.Now for the contest itself, feel free to view the rules and mechanics here. Follow these and you will get numbers of entries for the Summer Luxury Giveaway!  If I win this wallet, it would be a very nice birthday gift for my busy mother dear.

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Categories: Coach brand, contest, entertainment, shopping, woman's interest, women's accesssories

Milk For Good Nutrition ( Momimhar posted on August 18th, 2009 )

My youngest nephew has turned two years old last month.  He is not an infant anymore.  He is now a toddler.  Here is how they term it:

Child’s Age (Definitions May Vary)

1 month = newborn

1-12 months = infant

12-5 years = toddler

My nephew is growing fast and he is getting smarter everyday.  He remembers things especially what he hears from his parents.  So they better be careful not to let him hear their arguments.

My sister-in-law is having concerns about the right milk for her son.  She stopped nursing him when he turned one year old.  From then on, she started giving him formula.  Now that my nephew has turned two, she is wondering if giving him skim milk is fine.  Actually, my nephew can drink skim milk.  But it should be appropriate with his age.  Like Bear Brand 1 Plus.  It is made specifically for toddlers.  And when he turns three, there is Bear Brand 3 Plus that she can buy for him too.

Milk is very important for good nutrition especially for children.  I always advice my niece and nephews to drink milk at least twice a day.

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Categories: children's health and welfare, food and nutrition, milk, wellness

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