Category Archive:plushed toys

Lovey Bunny Snuggle Buddy ( Momimhar posted on September 14th, 2015 )

Lovey Bunny is under repair. :)

Lovey Bunny is under repair. 🙂

This is Bunny.  She is my darling daughter K’s snuggle buddy.  K loves Bunny very much that she’d feel sad whenever I say at bedtime, “Where is Bunny?  I am gonna give her spanking because she’s not in bed.”  K would hurriedly looks for Bunny and finds her on daddy’s chair in his work station.  Then K hugs Bunny tight as they get tucked in bed.  Sometimes she ignores her snuggle buddy during the day but bedtime is not complete without it.

Bunny has been K’s lovey since she was three months old.  I bought her on Easter 2010 while I was working at Dillards.  She was a Godiva Easter Bunny.  K was attached to her lovey that she decided it’s a girl bunny.  🙂  Bunny had been in many adventures with us.   She even traveled and went on a vacation with us to the Philippines in December 2012.  It was fun.

Like all well-loved stuffed animals, plushed toys, and loveys, Bunny got lose stitches, too.  I was not really good in sewing so K asked her Na-Na to mend Bunny.  K was very happy that her lovey is fixed.  🙂

Does your child have a lovey?  What is it? I would love to hear about it.


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Categories: family, kids, love, lovey, plushed toys, toddler stage, toys

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