Category Archive:event planner

A Dedicated Event Planner Can Be A Boon To Your Business ( Momimhar posted on September 15th, 2015 )

a-event meeting

When you decide to host an event through your company, it can be tempting to simply assign the job of planning to a group of your employees, rather than hiring an outside professional event planner, but there are lots of reasons why that is not a good decision. Hiring a professional event planner will not only benefit your event but will also prove advantageous to your company as a whole.

A professional event coordinator can effectively manage every aspect of your event, from small details such as invitations and table linens to big-picture things such as the overall look and feel of the event. So, instead of adding to the job description of your office manager or marketing team, it’s best to hire an outside planning company. Here are three reasons why that’s a good idea.

They have experience

Why entrust the success of a big event to people whose job descriptions don’t include event planning? Although your employees may have some very valuable skills when it comes to planning events, do they have all of the skills, experience, connections and know-how to pull it off like the pros can? Probably not. Instead, hire a professional planning team who have all of the qualities and skills necessary to focus on your event.


They can avoid pitfalls

A professional event planner knows all about what can go wrong at an event – and they know how to deal with things as they crop up. Although steps can be taken to avoid mishaps, there’s no way to completely avoid things from happening. When you hire a professional event planner, they can be on hand to deal with things as they come up, and to put out fires as necessary. They are experts in dealing with crises and can address issues on the fly.

Your employees can focus on their jobs

When you assign tasks to an employee that are outside of his job description, naturally you are going to, in some way or other, be taking away time that that person could be using to do their regular jobs. When it comes to planning large-scale events such as trade shows, there is a potential for employees’ attention to be taken away from their regular jobs for months. That can hamper productivity quite dramatically! Instead, hire a dedicated event planner to take care of things for you. Then, your employees can get back to the jobs for which they were hired (and in which they specialize!). Unless you are going to employ an event-planning team full time (which really isn’t feasible in most cases) it’s probably most efficient and effective to hire an outside event planning team to handle your event. They can handle all aspects of the planning, execution and crisis management for your event, leaving you and your employees to do your jobs.

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