Category Archive:shipping and delivery

The Christmas Gifts For The Kids ( Momimhar posted on December 13th, 2011 )

I feel a little sad because I will not be able to ship my package on time to my family back home.  The package supposedly has to be sent in October but I was very busy with organizing my younger sister’s special event.  Then the holiday season is on and there is not enough time or no extra time for the package.  My niece and nephew are expecting gifts from us this Christmas.  And all of them are in the package.  So frustrating.

Few weeks ago I talked to my mother asking her to tell the kids that the package will be delayed.  They will receive it early next  year.  What I was thinking is that, I might send them some money to shop for Christmas outfits and gifts.  Aw, I wish the package delivery time is quick during the Christmas season.  But some shipping companies have a 45 to 60 days delivery time.

Where’s Mine? ( Momimhar posted on November 16th, 2010 )

I am very happy to hear that the two packages have been delivered. My parents were surprised because the delivery was early in the morning on a Sunday. The excitement got more intense knowing that their Christmas presents are just within reach. My niece and nephews will stop asking about the packages’ arrival. They will ask “Where’s mine?” this time. Haha!

Merry Christmas!

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Categories: Balikbayan box, Christmas gifts, family, shipping and delivery

Will Be Busy With Travel Preparations ( Momimhar posted on September 5th, 2009 )

In the coming weeks, my husband and I will be busy with our travel preparations for our vacation in the Philippines. My family already knows we are coming. My niece and nephews are anxious for our arrival.As usual, we had a package sent to them just two weeks ago. Like the others, it is full of gifts and knick knacks for everyone back home. I cannot wait for the package to arrive, but it will take 45 days to get there. I am praying for its safe travel…you know what I mean?

My husband had thought that the package will show up while we are there.

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