Category Archive:medication

The Medication Is Taking Effect ( Momimhar posted on July 24th, 2009 )

The status of my sisters vascular illness is now monitored by us and the doctors. She was prescribed to take a medication for a week. The prescribed medicine is taking effect. The redness of her feet is slowly fading. But still, she has difficulty in walking because of the pain. Hopefully the pain will subside and her feet will totally heal. 

I am very thankful to the people who were around when my family needs the urgent help. My heart will be forever grateful to them. God has a way of answering prayers of those who are in need.

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Categories: family, health, medication, prayers

What Made Her Colapse ( Momimhar posted on June 22nd, 2009 )

My niece’s condition right now is under observation for a week…for the medication the doctor had prescribed her. Why? Because he, the doctor, found out that her urinary tract has an infection. So he prescribed an antibiotic medicine. Urinary tract infection? Was it bothering her since she was little and we did not know about it? The doctor explained the cause of my niece’s fainting was the high temperature (fever) inside her body. He also said that she has low blood pressure. So he prescribed a vitamin supplement.

I am so worried. I felt helpless because I am so far away from my niece. Hopefully, she will get well soon. My parents and siblings tend to her and checked on her once in a while especially at night when she is sleeping.

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