Category Archive:Living

Organizations Reaching Out To Needy Communities ( Momimhar posted on March 15th, 2014 )

I remember when I was a young girl, children in our neighborhood including me and my siblings gather in a small chapel every Saturday morning.  A group of grown ups come to see us and give us some food-yummy oatmeal, mixed vegetables, powdered milk, juice, bread, and the like.  They also meet with our parents and hold seminars about health, food sources, sanitation, and fitness.

My siblings and I loved all the food that was given to us.  We didn’t pay attention to what the grown ups were talking about because we were fully occupied by the thought of those delicious foods.  That was a very nice event held in our neighborhood that time.  We were looking forward to Saturday mornings.  But it didn’t last long though.  Whoever those people were, we were very thankful that they came.  Because they brought happiness to us kids and imparted awareness about proper nutrition to everybody in our neighborhood.  It was memorable for us.  It seemed to me that those people came to help and care for us.

It is great to know that there are groups or organizations who are helping needy communities especially the children.  I just hope that they continue doing the noble jobs in order to bring hope and inspiration to young children.

Signs And Symptoms of Depression in Women ( Momimhar posted on January 16th, 2014 )

As a first time mom, sometimes I am overwhelmed with the things going on around the house especially with the chores and all.  I can’t catch up most of the time.  And it makes me feel irritable and crabby.  I want everything to be done in one day!  But how can I do that?  I am not a superwoman.  My husband said I have to take it easy.  One step at a time and I’ll get things done.  I know he wants to help me and wants me to be stress-free.  But I can’t help thinking about so many things.

There are times I feel down and blue.  No cheer or motivation at all.  When it happens, my little one is affected.  Then I feel guilty at times.  Am I depressed?  Here’s what I found about signs and symptoms of depression in women.

The symptoms of depression in women are the same as those for major depression. Common complaints include:

  • Depressed mood
  • Loss of interest or pleasure in activities you used to enjoy
  • Feelings of guilt, hopelessness and worthlessness
  • Suicidal thoughts or recurrent thoughts of death
  • Sleep disturbance (sleeping more or sleeping less)
  • Appetite and weight changes
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Lack of energy and fatigue

Honestly I tell you that motherhood and parenting can be exhausting and depressing.  But if you allow the reasons to overcome you, definitely depression will get into you.  Me?  I just hope and pray that I will be able to handle what is going one right now in my life.  So much stress!!!  Help me God!


“T” is for Turkey – Happy Thanksgiving Day! ( Momimhar posted on November 27th, 2013 )

Happy Thanksgiving Day everyone and to all my friends and family here in the US.  Another year is about to end and we are looking forward to the next year.  We have so many things to be thankful for.

Let us count our blessings and share with others.  The Almighty Father always provides.  We are grateful for the life, love, happiness, and opportunities that are given to us.  Storms come and go but still we are standing strong and hopeful.  There might be some mistakes in our decisions but those are part of life.  We learned and they made us wiser (don’t you think?).

Nothing is impossible if we sincerely pray for guidance.  We have our family and good friends who we love and cherish.  Everything in this world is worth be thankful for.  Be thankful every day.

Happy Thanksgiving Day!

These are Kaye's finished arts and crafts from the Pre-K "T" is for Turkey party last Saturday.

These are Kaye’s finished arts and crafts from the Pre-K “T” is for Turkey party last Saturday.

I have plenty of things to be thankful for.  Below are some of them.  I am thankful for/that…

…good health and wellness.

…having a loving and understanding husband.

…husband’s job promotion.

…a healthy and smart daughter.

…supportive and caring in-laws.

…all of my family in the Philippines are safe after the super typhoon Haiyan.

…regular blogging opportunities.

…true friends (long time and new ones).

…every day.

…the Earth.

Everybody’s gathering at our folks house on Thanksgiving Day.  That means our darling daughter will be seeing her cousins tomorrow.  Sure would want my cousin and her family to go with us.  But her husband has to work on Friday so they decided just to stay home.  They came to visit us today.  DD and her cousins got to play this afternoon.  It’s always fun.

How about you?

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Categories: family, kids, Living, Thanksgiving Day

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