Category Archive:Peppa Pig

Toddler Stage: Running Around And Playing Happily ( Momimhar posted on February 16th, 2016 )

K: “Mommy, I’m running away from my shadow.”

My darling daughter is playing in the living room.  All toys are scattered here and there.  She has a small table and two toddler chairs for her Pre-K activities and arts and crafts.  On the floor are three toy storage bins for her animal toy figures, toy vehicles, and Little Pet Shop figures.  She makes homes for all the figures and pretends the living room is a big city.  My daughter is playing happily-humming and singing while Peppa Pig show is in the background.  Then after that, she was running around saying she is running away from her shadow.  Aw…what a cute little thing. 🙂

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Categories: cartoons, child's learning, family, home, kids, kids shows, love, Peppa Pig, play time, toys

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