Category Archive:home cooking

Create A Satisfying Meal That Your Family Would Enjoy #OreIDaTotchos #Review ( Momimhar posted on January 25th, 2016 )

To be honest, I didn’t like tater tots.  It’s like hush browns. I tried eating hush browns few years back but it didn’t impress me.  My husband said it’s like tater tots.  So they were never my favorite.  Well I guess I didn’t give myself a chance to create meals with tater tots.  Their shredded potatoes made into small chunks packed in a bag and frozen.  Actually, I just discovered that there are recipes you can try cooking with tater tots.

This time I did my own recipe called Easy Tidbits Totchos Soup.  You can check it out here.  I use Ore-Ida Tater Tots as key ingredient for my soup recipe.

Ore-Ida Tater Tots

Ore-Ida Tater Tots

Made with 100% real potatoes, Ore-Ida Tots are crunchy when baked and tastes fine in a soup.  Although they are made in perfect bite size pieces, I like them crumbled into tidbits in my soup.  Like me, my darling daughter wasn’t a fan of tater tots as well, but when she tried them with the soup, she said it’s yummy.

I just realize that to make a delicious meal with Ore-Ida Tots, you have to be associate your favorite ingredients with it to be able to create a satisfying meal that your family would enjoy.  So Tater Tots are not a boring frozen potatoes after all.

a-oreida soup 1


*I received this product complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes.  All opinions are 100% mine.

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Categories: cooking, food and nutrition, home cooking, recipes, soups

It’s Party Tomorrow Night ( Momimhar posted on December 12th, 2013 )

The Filipino-American (Fil-Am) Christmas Party 2013 is tomorrow night.  My cousin and I are bringing spring rolls (lumpia) for it is a Potluck style party.  We are already set as far as our Holiday party outfits are concerned.  The little ones’ party dresses are ready to wear.

We all went to the Asian Market this afternoon to buy the ingredients for the lumpia.  Then DD and I headed to my cousin’s house because agreed to make the lumpia at her house.  The little girls were busy playing while cousin and I prepared the stuff.  When it was time to wrap the stuffing, she played a movie called American Girl.  The movie got the girls’ attention for a while.  Good children’s movies can make kids busy.

We made about 200 pieces of lumpia.  And they’re ready to fry tomorrow afternoon.

Almost done with lumpia wrapping.  Ready for a good night sleep. :)

Almost done with lumpia wrapping. Ready for a good night sleep. 🙂

Play Date Schedule ( Momimhar posted on June 30th, 2013 )

My cousin and I scheduled every Thursdays as play dates for our little ones.  We picked this day because we felt like it’s our ‘free’ day of the week.  Either we meet at her house or mine, we make sure that our girls have a play time together.  Sometimes we go to a friend’s house also.  Our friend has three girls and she liked us visiting them once in while for play dates.  Ours are toddlers so they’re a mess.  🙂  Well, it’s all girls playing together so expect some screaming and crying here and there.

When my darling daughter and I went to my cousin’s house one Thursday, we made some egg pies as dessert for later.  For lunch, my cousin heated up some Broccoli beef.  But she didn’t heat it up in the microwave.  She told me that their microwave oven is broken.  She and her family just moved in their new house not even a year now and something’s wrong with the kitchen equipment already.  I thought they would need to get new microwave parts to get it fixed.

As usual, the little ones had fun playing and we, the moms, enjoyed chatting and catching up.  The lunch was great and the egg pies were delicious!  We’ll definitely bake some egg pies again.  Next play date will be at our friend’s house next week.

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Categories: baking, family, hobbies, home cooking, kids, play time, toddler stage

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