Category Archive:holiday decorations

Four Stages Of Life ( Momimhar posted on December 29th, 2021 )

Four Stages Of Life

Happy Holidays! 😉

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Categories: Christmas, Christmas decorations, holiday decorations, holidays, kids

Spreading Christmas Cheer To All ( Momimhar posted on December 10th, 2016 )

Happy Holidays, everyone!  How are you doing?  Are you starting to relax now from the hustle and bustle of holiday shopping and decorating? Whether you are hosting a party or not, it feels nice to see our homes all decked up for the Holidays.

Speaking about shopping, I tried very hard not to spend too much on home decorations this year.  I had so much Christmas decorations from the past 8 years, and honestly I am not ready to get rid of them. Anyway, I would like to share some holiday cheer from my home to yours.  I am not very good at home decorating but I did my best. 🙂

Big flower arrangement by the entry way.

Now this big flower arrangement was quite expensive because it was priced $20 at a local garage sale. I bargained for half the price but the seller’s lowest price was $15.  I bought it anyway because I really, really liked it.  It looked taller on the round oriental vase.


Christmas table runner and poinsettia placemats

Do you enjoy decorating for the Holidays? I do.  As soon as the stores put their Holiday decorations on discounted sale, my family, friends and I buy whatever we can find that we like.  Most of my Christmas decorations and pieces were more than 5 years old.  These poinsettia placemats were given to me by my mother-in-law.  Aren’t they pretty?  The table runner was from Ross.

The centerpieces were bought from a on online local garage sale.

candle holder – $.50

crystal vase – $5

crystal candy dish – $3

colored balls and fillers – $2

Glass Christmas ball cardinal decor


Mesh Christmas wreath with cardinal bird and nest.

This mesh Christmas wreath was also given by my mother-in-law two years ago.  She won this at a raffle (door prize) at a Christmas Party with her group of friends.

I am so feeling festive now. I love Christmas season. How about you?

Holiday Season: Christmas Decorations 2016 ( Momimhar posted on December 8th, 2016 )

Hey, everyone!  Christmas time is here again. Have you done your Christmas shopping yet?  As with my household, we are always excited for Christmas.  There are lots of fun holiday activities for kids, a number of Christmas party invites, huge feeling of Christmas cheer, and exciting shopping experiences during this most wonderful time of the year.

Assisting daddy with the decorations from the attic.

K helps decorate the Christmas tree.

We started decorating our home for Christmas the weekend we got home from our Thanksgiving travels.  My darling daughter helped me decorate the Christmas tree.  It’s so lovely and bright.  I am adding white on our tree this time.  Also, I put red cardinal birds on our tree.  The idea of the cardinal bird as part of this year’s holiday decor came into my mind the moment I received a holiday mug, Christmas gift from my cousin in Oregon (thanks again N), with a cardinal design on it.  Then while my family and I were strolling by the lake one fine afternoon during the holidays, I saw a pair of cardinal birds roosting upon a tree at the lake.  I felt good inside.  It’s just an uplifting thought for me.

One of my favorite coffee mugs. 🙂

Our Christmas tree 2016

We did not buy a new Christmas tree.  And for the ornaments, I only bought a few white flowers from Michaels and the cardinal birds from Kohls.  The mantel still needs decorating though.  I still have to figure out where to put our Christmas stockings.

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