Category Archive:family care

Simple Yet Effective Home Remedies For Cough And Colds ( Momimhar posted on December 15th, 2017 )

I had a very busy week…’know why?  My darling daughter was sick for four days and I had to sub in a Kindergarten class today.

Sometimes, it is very depressing when our kids are sick.  We don’t get much sleep at night.  I myself keeps waking up checking my darling daughter’s temperature every couple of hours.  When she is coughing at night, I wake up also and try to soothe her coughing.  I feel restless.  I worry a lot.

Her congestion is not too bad this time, though.  I am relieved about that.  No severe nosebleeds either.  We are keeping ourselves as healthy as possible because of the flu season and I heard many cases of it this year.  Last winter was quite a challenge for us, health wise.

There are also absences at school due to sickness.  Teachers are getting the flu.  Some students go to school even though they are not feeling well.  They should rest at home for three days, at least, if they are coughing and running a fever.  I just feel bad hearing some kids coughing non-stop in the classroom.  🙁

Home remedies to soothe the cough and colds are not that difficult.  I always give my child freshly made lemonade or Calamansi juice daily.  At night, before going to bed, I rub Vicks Vapor Rub on her back.  I put a little amount of Petroleum Jelly in her nostrils and spray Saline Nasal Spray to keep her nose moisturized because she is prone to nosebleeds.  The linings in her nose are thin.  Our humidifier runs full blast overnight.  It helps keep the moisture in the air (humidity) in her bedroom.  My husband and I keep this routine every night diligently.  I think it is effective.

Ear Infection Can Cause Hearing Problems ( Momimhar posted on December 16th, 2016 )

Yup. That’s what’s happening to me right now.  I am having trouble hearing.  My hearing is not normal.  Due to a bad cold, my left ear is clogged since December 7th after I went to CVS Minute Clinic for a check-up because I had intense pain in my left ear yesterday morning.  I had bad wax build up years ago so I thought it was just that.  The health practitioner cleansed (flushed) both of my ears and checked each one to see what’s going on.  The diagnosis was an ear infection.  There’s redness in my left eardrum but no tear whatsoever.  She prescribed an antibiotic to be taken within ten days.  It should help unclogged the ear also.  Picking up my prescription would have been convenient for me if CVS accepted Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance.  So I transferred the prescription request to Tom Thumb instead.

Unfortunately, my left ear is still clogged as of the moment.  After a few days of taking the antibiotic, I decided to see my family doctor on the 13th.  The doctor said that there’s no more redness in my eardrum.  So she told me to stop taking the medication anymore.  She recommended me to see an ENT doctor.  And so, this afternoon I went to see a specialist from Lakeside Allergy in Forney.  Before I talked to the doctor, the nurse assistant did a few hearing tests on me.  ‘Figures out that my left eardrum wasn’t moving after doing pressure tests in both of my ears.  The doctor said there’s a fluid trapped behind my eardrum preventing it to move.  He prescribed me to take oral steriod, rinse my sinuses using saline rinse, and use steroid nasal spray.  The steroid medicine will help treat the swelling of tube behind my nose so the fluid will drain.

This really bothers me.  Eardrum not moving? Oh no!  My hearing is hollow and feels like I am on an airplane all the time.  Sucks!

I am looking forward to getting my hearing back to normal the soonest possible time.

Why Do We Get An Ear Infection? ( Momimhar posted on December 7th, 2016 )

Hi there!  How’s everybody doing?  As for me and my household, we are currently dealing with common cough and colds including an ear infection.  You heard it right.  Ear infection.  My darling daughter and I have it right now.  She will be finishing her medication in two days, and I just started last night.

It was very an unexpected thing.  This is the very first time my daughter had an ear infection since birth.  As far as I can remember, I never had an ear infection in my life.  My ears are prone to clogging though, because my ears produce lots of wax.  And normally, the ear canal cleans itself but there was a time years ago I had a clogged ear that I had to go to the doctor and have it flushed.  Now, I am dealing with this ear infection because my ear was very painful yesterday morning.  On a pain scale of 1 to 10, I could say the pain intensity was 8.  I took two 400 mg Ibuprofen to subside the pain.  When the pain was gone, I went to CVS Minute Clinic to have my ear checked.  Soon as the nurse practitioner cleaned my ears, she said the eardrum in my left ear (where it was hurting) was red.  I told her I woke up in the morning with a painful ear.  She prescribed an antibiotic to be taken within 10 days.  I hope this thing heals fast.

Like I said my daughter and I are having colds right now.  She even had a cough.  She woke up in the middle of her sleep one night crying because she said her ear was hurting so bad.  I was worried and nervous but couldn’t do anything.  I tried to comfort her calmly but it didn’t help.  Then I thought of giving her a pain reliever medicine to help ease the pain so she can go back to sleep.  She didn’t go to school the next day because she had lack of sleep and I took her to the doctor in the afternoon. She had an ear infection.

Aside from taking an antibiotic, K was also doing a breathing treatment using a Nebulizer for five days because she was wheezing. It helped get rid of the coughing.  We are going to see her pediatrician on Monday for a follow up check up.

Why do we get an ear infection?  It is caused by a bacteria or a virus.  When we have a cold, flu, or allergy, our nasal passages, throat, and eustachian tubes (in the ears) get swollen and congested that possibly leads to an ear infection.  It is recommended to see your health provider if you are experiencing ear pains.

Oh how hard it is when you get sick.  Even if only one in your household is sick, it feels like the entire household is not feeling well. I am hoping we all get well very soon because we don’t want this.  We keep eating healthy, drinking lots of water, and sleeping and resting good.  Plus, taking the proper medication to help treat the sickness.

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