Darling daughter was not sure of what she’s gonna wear for Halloween so she just settled for her previous dinosaur mask and the fancy cape her uncle gave her last year. So we called her costume the Magical Dino. 🙂
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Categories: Fall, Halloween costume, Halloween Costume Party, Halloween decor, Happy Halloween, party occasions, shopping
We are, I think, ready for cool weather. Yes. It has been a long summer here in Texas.
This week, cooler temperature in the mornings feels awesome. It is sweater weather for my household members especially for darling daughter. She easily gets allergies since her respiratory treatment last year. My dear husband and I are watching closely that now because we don’t want to go through that situation again.
As for the cooler weather, I need to get those long sleeves clothes, pants, sweaters, and jackets out again. Good thing they still fit. DD need new ones, though. She’s getting taller. She needs a new pair of boots because her old ones were already outgrown and the out sole was completely worn out. Her jackets still fit same with the sweaters.