Category Archive:historical

Multicultural Fair at School ( Momimhar posted on April 27th, 2022 )

Handmade fan.

Last night, darling daughter’s school hosted a Multicultural Fair. The event was featuring countries like China, Ethiopia, Germany, Mexico, The Philippines, Ukraine, and others. For some reason, I overlooked the Sign-Up Genius email from the school that required volunteers for the event. So it was the last minute action on my side to volunteer to assist in The Philippines’ assigned hallway.

Checking in for the flight. 🙂

Quick fun facts about The Philippines were already posted in the hallway. Snacks and arts and crafts materials were ready on the table. But before the students (with their parents) can visit the countries in the hallways, the students–who are also the tourists, had to undergo the check in process using their “passports” to board the plane (gym area). It was cool because these little passports were prepared ahead of time by the assigned faculty. After a quick orientation on-board, the plane landed and the tourists went safely to their destinations.

On-board the plane. 😀

My job was to act as an immigration officer and stamp the “tourists” (students) passports. It was a lot of fun stamping and sharing some facts about The Philippines at the same time. I even met and chatted with parents who visited The Philippines. I had a great time with the conversations and sharing experiences. Also, I met two Filipino families. That was awesome.

Me as the immigration officer. 😀
Jeepney arts and crafts.

I wish I had the chance to go around the school to check on other countries’ showcase of food, culture, and fun facts. Maybe next year. 🙂

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Categories: educational, historical, kids, lifestyle, multicultural fair, special event

Tower Of The Americas In San Antonio ( Momimhar posted on July 14th, 2015 )

Going up to The Tower of the Americas

Going up to The Tower of the Americas

My dear husband and I were glad that our darling daughter had wonderful time on our vacation in San Antonio.  We took our little one to Sea World, strolled on the Riverwalk, and went up to the Tower of the Americas.

My husband didn’t have a plan on going up to the tower but since we’re already in San Antonio, I thought why not give it a try.  And I would like to go up there.  🙂  It was worth the trip.  While my loves were busy looking over the town thru a telescope on the Observation Deck, I enjoyed reading the history of San Antonio and the State of Texas itself from the photo exhibits and historical information display on the deck including the story behind the Six Flags Over Texas.

Looking thru the telescope requires 25 cents or a quarter.  It was a great experience for me because it was my first time way up high.

Tower of the Americas in San Antonio, Texas

Tower of the Americas in San Antonio, Texas

The Tower of the Americas is located at the HemisFair Park in San Antonio, Texas.  If you are heading South of Texas, visit San Antonio.  Don’t forget to go up to the Tower of the Americas.  It’s one of the best things to do in San Antonio.

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Categories: educational, family, historical, kids, summer, summer vacation, Texas, vacation

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