Category Archive:Christmas

Kids Christmas Party 2017 ( Momimhar posted on December 18th, 2017 )

Christmas presents.

K and her friend Z.

Cheers! It’s Christmas time.

We had a great time at the Christmas Party at my dear friend R’s home first weekend of this month.  We all agreed to have it early this year because one of our friend was leaving for Singapore and won’t be back until the week after New Year’s.  Though we had to rush a few things a bit, everything went according to plan.  Our theme this year was Great Gatsby.  🙂 It was a potluck and all the party needs and party supplies were bought from Amazon and Party City.

Black, gold, and silver balloons. The decorating crew was busy.

Gift wrapping crew.

The children had a blast.  The games were very exciting and entertaining.  Every child who were at the party was given a Christmas gift to open on Christmas Eve.  Of course, grown ups exchanged gifts, too.  We played the White Elephant Exchanging Gifts game and it was a lot of fun.

Darling daughter enjoyed the company of her friends as well. She said it’s one of the best days ever.  I am glad.  I want her to have great memories with her friends, too.  Another thing is that, I want my daughter to learn the concept of sharing.  In fact, she is now learning to let go of her old toys, outgrown clothes, and books and donate them which is good.

Merry Christmas to You and Yours #Christmas2016 ( Momimhar posted on December 24th, 2016 )

Have yourself a Merry Christmas.

It’s amazing how time flies these days.  It’s Christmas time again. Are you traveling to see family and friends and spend time with them this holiday season? Or, are you staying home and host a big Christmas Party? Whichever it is, I bet it’s going be a wonderful event for everyone.

As for me and my family, we are celebrating Christmas Day at my parents-in-law’s home in Tyler.  While making this post, my dear husband is currently prepping the brisket to put in the oven in a few for tomorrow’s Christmas Day dinner.

This Christmas Eve, we attended the church service at 6:00 P.M.  When we got home after church and had dinner, we started the party.  The children could not wait to open their Christmas presents.  So after dinner, we head on and started the Christmas Party. They started opening gifts from the youngest kid to the oldest.  Boy, they were so excited and anxious!

Opening Christmas presents.

So, the young ones had a great time opening their presents.  I think everybody loved the stuff they got from the family.  K was so excited to see if Santa will give her nice gifts for Christmas.  We brought the reindeer food she received from the class Christmas Party at school since we’re at the grandparents’ house.  We had to make sure Santa will stop by and drop off her presents.  🙂 Na-Na helped her scatter the reindeer food in the backyard.  (FYI: Reindeer food is a mixture of oatmeal and glitters or sparkles.)

After the kids’ unwrapping presents, it was adults turn to open gifts and play the White Elephant Gift Exchange. We missed my brother-in-law and his wife in this year’s family Christmas Party because they’re both sick.  Nephew M is in Florida and niece M and her family will be coming over tomorrow, Christmas Day.

It was a fun evening. So thankful for family, love, time, and the blessings we received all year.

Holiday Season: Christmas Decorations 2016 ( Momimhar posted on December 8th, 2016 )

Hey, everyone!  Christmas time is here again. Have you done your Christmas shopping yet?  As with my household, we are always excited for Christmas.  There are lots of fun holiday activities for kids, a number of Christmas party invites, huge feeling of Christmas cheer, and exciting shopping experiences during this most wonderful time of the year.

Assisting daddy with the decorations from the attic.

K helps decorate the Christmas tree.

We started decorating our home for Christmas the weekend we got home from our Thanksgiving travels.  My darling daughter helped me decorate the Christmas tree.  It’s so lovely and bright.  I am adding white on our tree this time.  Also, I put red cardinal birds on our tree.  The idea of the cardinal bird as part of this year’s holiday decor came into my mind the moment I received a holiday mug, Christmas gift from my cousin in Oregon (thanks again N), with a cardinal design on it.  Then while my family and I were strolling by the lake one fine afternoon during the holidays, I saw a pair of cardinal birds roosting upon a tree at the lake.  I felt good inside.  It’s just an uplifting thought for me.

One of my favorite coffee mugs. 🙂

Our Christmas tree 2016

We did not buy a new Christmas tree.  And for the ornaments, I only bought a few white flowers from Michaels and the cardinal birds from Kohls.  The mantel still needs decorating though.  I still have to figure out where to put our Christmas stockings.

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