Category Archive:mom blogger

Fun Birthday Party at Build-A-Bear Workshop #buildaparty ( Momimhar posted on November 5th, 2016 )

Blowing the pretend candle on a pretend cupcake. :)

Blowing the pretend candle on a pretend cupcake. 🙂


Waiting in line to have their free Teddy Bear stuffed.

Waiting in line to have their free Teddy Bear stuffed.

Playing a party game.

Playing a party game.

Photo booth

Photo booth

We all had a great time celebrating cousin A’s 6th birthday party held at Build-A-Bear Workshop at Firewheel Shopping Complex in Garland (TX).  My darling daughter said she had a lot of fun.  Every child guest received a free stuffed bear plus a free t-shirt and bows to wear.  They even have names for their new stuffed bears.  K named her bear Richu.  Awesome.

Happy birthday, A.  Thanks for inviting us.  It was a happy day! 


Special thanks to our wonderful friend, Mel M. for taking these lovely photos of the children.  Love lots!

Toddler Stage: Playing Restaurant ( Momimhar posted on March 19th, 2016 )

(Playing restaurant.)

K: “Hello, what’s your name?”
M: “Uhm, you don’t ask the customer’s name, honey. You’ll greet them first. You’ll say, how are you today?”
K: “Oh. How are you today, ma’m?”
M: “Very well thank you. How about you?”
K: “I’m good, thank you.”
M: “Then you’ll say, what would you like to drink?- Then put the menu in front of the customer on the table.”
K” “What would like to drink? Ah, we don’t have a menu because this is a fancy restaurant. I memorize all the orders.”

Darling daughter and I were playing restaurant last night.  She was the server and I was the customer.  I like it when she uses her imagination. It helps her develop good judgement, I think.  It’s always fun playing with kids, you know.  You will learn lots of things with them that sometimes you’ll get speechless. 🙂

The Diner is closed.  Do not enter. :)

The Diner is closed. Do not enter. 🙂

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Categories: child's learning, family, games, kids, kids development, mom blogger, play time

Target Giveaway Winner ( Momimhar posted on November 6th, 2015 )

Target Giveaway Winner

Target Giveaway Winner

Yay!   I won.  It’s been a while since the last time I joined contests/giveways and won a prize.  I was surprised by this email from saying I won their $20 Target Gift Card Giveaway.  Hurray!  Now I have money to use to buy a present for K’s 5th birthday next month.  🙂

Thank you for sponsoring the giveaway!

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Categories: bloggers, blogging, contest, gift ideas, giveaway, hobbies, mom blogger, money

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