Category Archive:assistance

We Can Fight Malnutrition ( Momimhar posted on March 19th, 2014 )

Proper nutrition is very important especially to children.  This is to help them grow healthy and strong.  Without proper nutrition, kids will get weak immune system and resistance that lead to sickness.  There are millions of children around the world who suffer from malnutrition.  A few reasons are poverty, less resources of food, and lack of awareness on health.  Non-profit organizations are reaching out to countries to help fight malnutrition.  Programs that include healthy food awareness are implemented accordingly to encourage households to take part.

There are also non-profit organizations that engage in child sponsorship programs.  They help kids from the low income households to get sponsors to be able to assist them with school needs, nutrition, and wellness.  This is such a noble thing to do.  Helping the unfortunate children go to school and maintain healthy living is a great pledge.

On the other hand, the community should also engage in helping these kind of programs to succeed.  Cooperation between the lower government officials and the people in the communities can make these happen.  Livelihood projects for earning, good healthcare assistance, and nutrition awareness programs should be implemented with compassion so the children will benefit in many ways.  In this way, we will overcome hunger and malnutrition.


In our own household, we can help fight malnutrition by eating the right diet and getting rid of bad eating habits.  Foods from the food groups Go, Grow, and Glow foods should be present in each meal daily.  Like I said, this is very important to keep our kids and family healthy and strong.

Organizations Reaching Out To Needy Communities ( Momimhar posted on March 15th, 2014 )

I remember when I was a young girl, children in our neighborhood including me and my siblings gather in a small chapel every Saturday morning.  A group of grown ups come to see us and give us some food-yummy oatmeal, mixed vegetables, powdered milk, juice, bread, and the like.  They also meet with our parents and hold seminars about health, food sources, sanitation, and fitness.

My siblings and I loved all the food that was given to us.  We didn’t pay attention to what the grown ups were talking about because we were fully occupied by the thought of those delicious foods.  That was a very nice event held in our neighborhood that time.  We were looking forward to Saturday mornings.  But it didn’t last long though.  Whoever those people were, we were very thankful that they came.  Because they brought happiness to us kids and imparted awareness about proper nutrition to everybody in our neighborhood.  It was memorable for us.  It seemed to me that those people came to help and care for us.

It is great to know that there are groups or organizations who are helping needy communities especially the children.  I just hope that they continue doing the noble jobs in order to bring hope and inspiration to young children.

Maybe A Little Help? ( Momimhar posted on October 18th, 2013 )

It’s that time again.  I am filling the Balikbayan boxes for my family back home in the Philippines.  Hopefully, I will be able to ship them very soon.  Say, by mid of November.  I so way behind on this.  Supposedly I should have shipped these boxes full of Christmas gifts and goodies last month together with my cousin’s.  But boy I was so swamped.  And some of the items had to be purchased in bulk because I was looking for discounted priced items.  *Sigh*  Anyway, the  things I am lacking now are canned goods and kids’ snacks.  Next weekend should be shopping time for me.  After Halloween, I will be very busy.  As soon as Memorial Day holiday comes, days pass by so fast.  And here comes the Holidays.

Besides sending these packages, my mind is also occupied with budgeting.  It is because next month, my baby sister is entering the second semester of her senior year in college.  That means I have to save some money for the tuition fees and training expenses.  She is taking up nursing.  So far she is very good in her studies.  She can get her cases completed and works on duty in a hospital.

I need a lot of time right now.  And, maybe, a little help?

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Categories: assistance, Balikbayan box, Christmas, family, holidays

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