Baby Girl Lost A Tooth – Got a Treat from the Tooth Fairy ( Momimhar posted on December 1st, 2016 )

Good morning, everyone.  Yay, it’s December.  Oh wait…where did the days go?  Our beloved planet Earth has almost completed it’s revolution around the sun.  That means it is almost my darling daughter’s birthday again.  She is turning 6, oh my.  What a big milestone.  Six years old, Kindergartner, and…she lost her baby tooth and a new permanent tooth already showed up.  Amazing, isn’t it?

Fall Season - Me and K

Fall Season – Me and K

Of course the Tooth Fairy visited to pick up K’s tooth.  K was waiting for the good fairy so she can meet her.  But she was too sleepy to wait.  The next morning, she was surprised to see a $5.00 (that’s big money, I know) under the pillow and the tooth wasn’t there anymore.  Oh, a child’s happiness…

K wasn’t scared at all on the thought that she will actually lose a tooth and practically all of her baby teeth will go away and will be replaced by permanent ones.  At first, she was worried and nervous because she didn’t know what to expect.  When we found out that a bulge behind her bottom tooth was showing, I called for a dentist appointment. K’s dentist said that it’s the permanent tooth starting to come out.  Because the baby tooth was still there, the new tooth is trying to push it’s way out.  So not even two weeks from the discovery of the permanent tooth via x-ray at the dentist’s, K lost her first tooth during my PTO meeting at her school.  Daddy and me comforted her to the maximum level so she won’t freak out because she saw a little blood on the fallen tooth.  But everything was okay.  I have a BRAVE child.  🙂

How time flies so fast.  My daughter is growing fast everyday and I am getting older.  That’s why I try to do my best not to miss every single precious moment. Precious times which I will not trade for the world.

Happy December.  Enjoy the cold weather season.  Christmas is here before you know it. Have fun with family and friends.

Love lots,


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Categories: colors, family, kids, kids development, milestone, motherhood, parenting, Tooth Fairy

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