Celebrating Life’s Blessings And All The Luck In The World – Happy New Year 2016 ( Momimhar posted on January 1st, 2016 )

Happy New Year 2016!  Would you believe it?  We are in the year 2016.  Oh my!  How was your Holidays?  Did you have all the fun in the world? We did.  My family and I spent Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day with my husband’s family in Tyler.  We had a wonderful time especially that his nephew, who is in the Navy, came home for Christmas.  Everyone was happy to see him most especially his parents.

The kids enjoyed lighting the sparklers.

The kids enjoyed lighting the sparklers.

On New Year’s Eve, we stayed home because we want to be home when the new year comes.  As usual, we shoot fireworks.  That was the most fun part of celebrating the New Year’s.  In addition, we invited my hubby’s brother together with his wife.  Dear hubby also invited some of his colleagues.  It was nice that they came and celebrated with us on New Year’s Eve.

a-nye fireworks 2

It was a very big celebration on New Year’s Eve.  Maybe you have heard in the news that North Dallas was hit by a few tornadoes on Saturday, December 26, 2015.  Let me tell ya, our neighborhood was half mile away from Downtown Copeville where a tornado touchdown and demolished a bunch of homes and a gas station.  The strong tornado just passed by us, shook our house but didn’t do any major damage.  Just a few shingles on the roof flipped over that’s it.  Were very lucky.  I saw how big the hurricane was and how it sounded like.  I will never forget it in my life.

a-nye for 2016 sparklers

New Year, new life.  We celebrated all the blessings in 2015 and all the luck in the world.  I am hoping that no more calamities and bad things.  May God bless us all.

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