Monthly Archives:June 2015

Age Appropriate Jobs – Let Your Toddlers Help By Doing Simple Household Chores ( Momimhar posted on June 22nd, 2015 )

While I was doing the laundry last night, my darling daughter K was helping me load the dirty clothes in the washer.  “Mommy, I want to help you,” she said.  So  I let her pour the laundry detergent into the washer and the fabric softener in the dispenser.  K wanted to put the wet clothes in the dryer so I let her put the small ones in there, too.  She wanted to do the controls so I guided her through the control buttons on the dryer.  She was very happy that she did all that.  She said, “I’m a grown up girl now, mommy.” K’s so proud of herself.

This is to share with y’all that toddlers can be a great help in your household.  With proper guidance and supervision, your toddlers can do the job you assigned to them without a hassle.  Though your work sometimes gets more complicated, yet teaching them the concept of responsibility is great help to them especially if they are very willing to learn.  In the long run, they will offer help to you.  Do not refuse.  You are also helping your toddlers gain their self-esteem and self-worth.

But don’t overdo it. Don’t let your toddlers do the hard work.  What I mean is that, let your kids do the age appropriate household chores.  A guideline of age appropriate household jobs for kids are listed at

We don’t have to expect that they work has to be perfect.  Remember we are guiding them and supervising them, too.  Praising our little ones for helping us makes them proud.  “Well done, honey.  Thank you for helping,” makes their day.

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Categories: family, family values, home, household chores, kids, parenting, responsibility, toddler stage

Happy Father’s Day from Mommy’s Bright Bundles ( Momimhar posted on June 21st, 2015 )

a - fd cards

Happy Father’s Day.

Greetings from Mommy’s Bright Bundles.  Good fathers around the world are celebrated today, June 21.

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Categories: family, Father's Day, greeting cards, occasion

Summer At Spray Grounds And Splash Parks ( Momimhar posted on June 12th, 2015 )

Splash ground and spray park.

Splash ground and spray park.

Summer is here!  Kids love being at the spray grounds and splash parks.  My darling daughter and I visited her grandparents last weekend and we went to the splash park nearby.  She had so much fun.  I joined her and we both had a great time.

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Categories: kids, parks and playground, spray ground and splash parks, summer, Texas

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