Our Small Celebration For The Graduates ( Momimhar posted on April 5th, 2014 )


Tiramisu cake.

My cousin and I hosted lunch at her house celebrating the graduation of my sister from college and of our cousins from high school.  We invited a few girl friends to have lunch with us yesterday.  I really wanted to celebrate the graduation even if I wasn’t there to witness it myself.  In a small and simple way my cousin and I shared the joy and the blessing that The Almighty has given us and our loved ones in this special occasion.

We are very proud of these kids.  They’re very diligent and patient.  Wishing them the very best in their future endeavors.

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13 responses

  1. Natosha says:

    That is so awesom! I think you really made them feel great after graduating, and to have a few friends to hang out with and share that moment. Great idea 🙂
    Natosha recently posted…Seductive In Black Cocktail DressMy Profile

  2. cindy b says:

    Yay congrats to the graduate! what a fabulous accomplishment!
    cindy b recently posted…GIVEAWAY: Win a cute Fashion Top and Check out a Great New Dental SiteMy Profile

  3. Scott says:

    Congrats to them! Now get a job! 😉
    Scott recently posted…When a Sale Costs You MoreMy Profile

  4. Oh wow…a tiramisu cake??? YUM! That looks and sounds good. Congrats to the graduates!!!
    Yona Williams recently posted…Gift Ideas for GardenersMy Profile

  5. Jenn says:

    Congrats to your sister and cousins on graduating! 🙂
    Jenn recently posted…Check out Mabel’s Label’s Limited Edition Camp Combo!My Profile

  6. debbie jean says:

    congrats to your sister! thats quite an accomplishment!!
    debbie jean recently posted…#Inspiration … From John LennonMy Profile

  7. Can you believe I’ve never had tiramasu?! It looks delicious though! And congrats to the grads!!
    Terin Garrett recently posted…Freshly Picked Moccasins {Review!}My Profile

  8. cococute says:

    Congratulations for the graduates and calling for a little simple party to celebrate is really deserving for them just to show and appreciate their hardwork

  9. Awe! That is so sweet. And I love Tiramisu! Congratulations, Graduates!!!!

  10. Krystal says:

    congrats to the graduates!
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  11. Congratulations to all the graduates! It’s a new fase in their lives they are entering into. May God bless them!
    Joanna Sormunen recently posted…The largest herb on earth – Wednesday FactsMy Profile

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