It Was A Fun New Year’s Celebration For The Three Of Us ( Momimhar posted on January 6th, 2014 )

Happy New Year’s to everyone!  I hope y’all had a wonderful and safe celebration welcoming the new year 2014.

As for me, we had a great celebration.  My dear husband made some Mexican soup and bought some fireworks to shoot on New Year’s Eve.  Despite of the cold temperature, we shoot fireworks.  My darling daughter was very excited about shooting fireworks.  She didn’t like the loud ones though.  We lit a few sparklers and we had fun.  Her daddy was keeping an eye on her and and we were supervising the activity very well for everybody’s safety.




Dinner before shooting fireworks.

Lighting sparklers with daddy.

Lighting sparklers with daddy.


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5 responses

  1. Nova S says:

    celebrating new year with the complete family member is just great and wonderful feeling, united to welcome the new year.
    Nova S recently posted…What to do when we want to have a noise free homeMy Profile

  2. chubskulit says:

    Oh buti pa kayo may lucis hehehe.. Kami torotot lang hehehe/
    chubskulit recently posted…Journey of an ImmigrantMy Profile

  3. It is nice to know you guys had fun even just the three of you. Same with us, it was just the four of us as well. But still glad we made it to another New Year.

  4. becca says:

    looks like it was a fun time i love celebrating the new year
    becca recently posted…Lovin’ Me Healthy Giveaway HopMy Profile

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