Potty Training – It Comes Naturally When Your Child Is Ready ( Momimhar posted on November 26th, 2013 )

Kaye goes to potty!  Yes my darling daughter is already potty trained.  But not by me.  She just asked me one day that she wants to go to the bathroom.  Oh, I remember!  We were visiting her grandparents two weeks ago and while we were there, she asked me “Mommy, can I go potty?”.  What a good girl!  I was so happy about this.  I gave her lots of compliments for reaching this big milestone.  My mother-in-law was so proud.  We are all proud our little princess!

You see, I tried potty training DD when she was 2 1/2 years old.  The potty training didn’t succeed that time because or maybe she wasn’t ready yet.  The problem was, she got constipation.  I was very worried about my little one those times because she started screaming in pain when she wants to go.  My husband thought she’s having urinary problems.  So I took her to her pediatrician immediately.  The doctor gave DD a check-up and she assured me that everything’s well except for the constipation.  The first thing the pediatrician asked me was if I started potty training her.  I told the doctor that I tried doing so the week before DD got the bowel movement problem.  The doctor explained to me that another reason for constipation in toddlers is potty training because they are still hesitant to go and they try to hold it.  The best thing to do is to encourage them to go to the bathroom when it’s time.  And give them compliments when they do.  After the visit to the pediatrician, I stopped the potty training.

I remember one of my girl friends told me that her little girl started going to the potty when she was about to turn 3.  She also said to just wait and not to force my child if she is not ready for potty training yet.  Potty training will come naturally when she knows that she’s ready.  And so, I waited patiently for that moment and yes!  She did it!  At her Na-na and Paw-Paw’s house, DD asked me to take her to the bathroom because she wants to go potty.  Hurray! We’re so proud of our sweet princess.

So proud of her!

So proud of her!

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13 responses

  1. Haha sooo cute! I used to do this way back – I remember from the photos haha!
    Aisha Kristine Chong recently posted…Music and Fashion comes in TogetherMy Profile

  2. Nova S says:

    You are absolutely right here, they said that mostly kids that potty trains easily are the girls, boys it gets very difficult. but as long as you are patience and you always teach your kids that its best to use the potty chair, then it would motivates them to do it. although we can’t force them as this transition is one of the major changes in their life that they have to be given patience most of the time.
    Nova S recently posted…Hop and Hop on the SnowMy Profile

  3. Hahah ang cute at nakasmile pa, good job K!
    Chubskulit Rose recently posted…Fun-Cam Moment with my DaughterMy Profile

  4. genefaith says:

    congrats! I do agree…potty training needs not be forced…our role is just to motivate them and it will just come in moments we don’t expect:)
    genefaith recently posted…Christmas Gift Idea: oNecklace Name NecklaceMy Profile

  5. I never pushed either of my boys to be potty trained, my youngest doctor told me to start it because he was getting older and I said when he is ready he will let me know. I have not seen one child in kindergarten that is not potty trained!
    Jennifer Williams recently posted…Spinach Parmesean AppetizersMy Profile

  6. We had a tough time with potty training with my daughter and I learned my lesson: to wait until they are ready and not pressure them. With my son it was much easier because I didn’t stress about it.
    Paula -Growing Up Bilingual recently posted…Christmas Wreath Holiday PizzaMy Profile

  7. Awe! Great job. Kids do want their privacy too. My son keeps telling me the same thing to not look or be inside the bathroom with them. I am on the process of potty training my second one. She is so ready, which means I better get her some new training pants. 🙂

  8. becca says:

    aw so proud of your daughter my son did the same thing at round 18 months he started pulling off hos wet diaper by 2 her would go into the bathroom and take it off and pee it just came natural to him i never forced it. love the potty picture so cute and again congrats give her a big hug for me
    becca recently posted…Friday Confessionals 12-20-13My Profile

  9. jheylo says:

    Congratulation to you and your lil girl 🙂 I forced my kids to potty train and boy it was the hardest stage of parenting lol. Well, I’m sure parenting teenagers would be the hardest but for their age at the time was tough. It wasn’t fun at all.
    jheylo recently posted…SURPAHS Kitchenware and Digital Scales GiveawayMy Profile

  10. […] toddlers is not an easy task.  It requires patience.  But if you’re little tot is ready, potty training comes […]

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