Our Visit To The Grandparents And At The Rose Garden ( Momimhar posted on November 12th, 2013 )

DD and I went to visit her grandparents last week for three days.  I drove to Tyler and back.  We spent Monday and Tuesday nights at their house.  DD always have a wonderful time with her Na-na and Paw-Paw.

The weather wasn’t bad and we were able to see the Rose Garden.  DD likes exploring.  The visit to the Rose Garden Tuesday was an enjoyable experience for her.  She got to see all kinds of roses in different sizes and colors.  She appreciated the colors and the fragrance.  What DD enjoyed the most is crossing the bridge and watching the fountain.  It brings her happiness to see the water.  And she likes walking.

Children’s moods change when they get to go outside and play and explore.  They fell happy and enthusiastic.  Their imagination grow because when they’re outdoors, they play pretend.  That is why outdoor activities are very important to kids to be able to broaden their vision with the world.  Traveling with kids once in a while is also important so they can see and experience new things.  You will be amazed how they remember them.


She loves bridges and fountains.

We had lunch at Popeye’s.  The fried chicken was really good!  We went home with full bellies and ready for a big nap.

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9 responses

  1. Joy says:

    The Rose Garden is one of the favorite places my Mom wants to visit when we were in the US. She told me she just really love the place.

  2. Arlene says:

    Kids are kids and they cannot stop moving if you want them at times. When u bring them out into the open, oh my, you will get crazy running after them, but it’s a great exercise for the mommies. hehehe

  3. BlogGirl says:

    Yes, I believe that we should let our children go and play outside sometime, it’ll help them knowing what’s going on (on the outside world) and get to interact with other people/kids.

  4. LaKurdapya says:

    Wish to visit the said place “rose garden” i love roses my favorite of all time! I can imagine the fun you had.

  5. Weather there in Texas is awesome, over here it’s freezing already.

  6. Olga says:

    Traveling is a fun way to learn about life too. When we were kids, we were always just kept at home and didn’t have family outings or even weekend trips out-of-town. I’m doing the opposite with my children now as I want them to discover different places and be exposed to different cultures. Aside from going out on weekends, I try to plan a couple of family vacations each year.

  7. children really enjoy the sight of beautiful flowers, parks,water and animals.

  8. Sounds like a fun day. You made me hungry for some fried chicken something that I don’t have to cook. LOL! Haven’t had Popeye’s chicken before.

  9. jheylo says:

    Visiting a flower garden is truly a refreshing one. The aura changes our moods too.

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