Daily Archives: 05/14/2013

Moms Always Find Little Ways To Earn Extra Money ( Momimhar posted on May 14th, 2013 )

It’s May already and I haven’t started sorting out the stuff that I would like to sell at the garage sale here in our neighborhood.  This month is the best month to do a garage sale, you know.  Besides getting mostly fair weather, lots of people go to a garage sale between April and May than June and July because the latter months are very hot because it’s summer.  Even me myself doesn’t like driving around hunting for garage sales in the summer.

Here’s some of the items I need to get rid of:

1.  Newborn clothes – just some of them because I will give a few selection to a friend’s upcoming baby girl.

2.  Infant clothes – a few of then needs to go because I already save some for my new niece back home.

3.  Infant toys – aside from giving a few to my new niece, I am going to sell the rest in the garage sale

4.  Women’s shoes – I have a few pairs of shoes that I don’t wear anymore.

5.  Women’s clothing – There are some clothes that I don’t wear anymore.  I already gave some of them to my younger sisters, cousins, niece, and young girls back home.

6.  Kitchen electrics – we have a couple or four electrics we need to get rid of

7.  Office equipment and office supplies – well, my hubby have old office equipment that needs to go.

What I need right now is plenty of time to gather them all together and segregate.  A week maybe?  Wish me luck.  As I have lots of stuff to do online and offline, hopefully I can still manage to take care of the things that will help me earn extra money.  Moms like me who want to earn extra bucks will always find little ways to make money online or offline.  My cousin had already started selling stuff and I also want to join the garage sale in her neighborhood.

Symphony Band Concert ( Momimhar posted on May 14th, 2013 )

Yesterday, my darling daughter and I attended the Spring Concert & Awards event in Prosper High School where my sister-in-law is working.  She is a music teacher and a band director of the Reynolds Middle School Symphonic I band.  The event showcased the concert of the school bands Symphony I and II, Wind Symphony, and the awarding of outstanding students who excelled in individual or group performances.

I like going to events like concerts.  Of course, I only go to the ones that interest me.  Symphonic band concert is one of them.  My darling daughter enjoyed watching and listening to the music.  When she saw her aunt on the stage conducting her band, she’s very happy.


Applying makeup the toddler way. 🙂

When we were getting ready to go to the concert, my little girl joined me in my bathroom.  As I was putting my makeup on, I didn’t notice she grabbed my red makeup bag and took the mascara from it’s box.  She called to me and said “Mommy, look at me.”  Surprised and amused, I quickly grabbed my digital camera and took her picture.  The look on her face is priceless.


Prosper High School entrance



Students accepting their medals


Aunt D and her band. She’s getting them ready for a performance.


DD insisted to look at these paintings.

It was a very successful concert.  My sister-in-law’s family was there including her mom, brother and his wife.  I was told that this is my sister-in-law’s last concert with her band because she will be retiring end of this year.

My darling daughter and I enjoyed the concert, too.  She was well-behaved and listened to the music as the band played their musical instruments together.  She was talking about oboe and piccolo…that sort of stuff.  I am hoping that she will have the interest in playing a musical instrument when she gets older.

“Life Is Sweet When You’ve Got A Great Mom…” ( Momimhar posted on May 14th, 2013 )

And the sweetest thing happens to a woman is when she becomes a mom.

On Saturday my husband, darling daughter, and I went grocery shopping.  We were walking to the personal care department when I heard my husband said “Oh no!  I might be in trouble.”  I didn’t pay attention because I was busy tending to our little girl because she was walking with us too.  She doesn’t want to sit in the shopping cart anymore.

The next day Sunday which is Mother’s Day, hubby said he’s going to town and will take our daughter with him.  I was busy getting ready for the Mother’s Day BBQ Party in the afternoon.  So I did not go with them.  When they got back, they brought me this pretty bouquet of roses and a cute greeting card.  Oh how sweet!  I love them very much.


My card and flowers from hubby and daughter.


The Mother’s Day balloon my daughter and I bought from Dollar General


The greeting card. I love the message.

My husband said he let our daughter pick a greeting card for me.  She chose this one and gave to her daddy.  What a nice greeting card.  And I love it.  ‘Made my day!

I hope y’all moms had a wonderful Mother’s Day, too!

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