Guest post written by Ray Adams
We’re on a never-ending journey to creating the home interior of our dreams. I’m really looking forward to that one day when we finally get there. But I’m sure that the saying’s true about interior design and you’re never really truly finished decorating. Right now we’re on the hunt for a pair of awesome ottomans and it’s been a tough hunt. So we’ve decided to get our hands dirty and make them ourselves.
We’ve been looking online to see the best way to DIY an ottoman and when I was searching one day I saw some information on roofing that was a happy surprise to find. Replacing our roof is one of those long-term projects we have on the back burner, so we’re going to use the website to do that service for us. Now that’s something we won’t even think about DIY-ing!
We found how to do a few different ottomans and decided to actually make four square ones so that we can arrange them together or separate them in the room. That way they’ll be more versatile, which is our goal in adding some to our decor.