Monthly Archives:March 2012

Responsible Parenting Brings Happiness In The Home ( Momimhar posted on March 30th, 2012 )

Parenting is a never-ending task.  As parents, we always look after our kids’ to make sure they are growing healthy and well-disciplined.  Sometimes we thought of giving up but looking how lovely and precious our kids are we continue to do our job as responsible parents.

One of the important things we should always do is to communicate with our kids.  Simple yet meaningful conversations and quality bonding time do mean a lot to them.  They share and open up to us.  This way, we will be able to know what them and what worries them.  Children have lots of ways to express their inspiration, happiness, worries, fear, and anger.   As parents, we should always keep track of our children’s behavior.

Not many people can become responsible parents.  I have observed it myself.  Hearing bad news about how a parent mistreats his/her child really upsets me.  Good values begins in the home.  If the parents have a positive outlook in life, bringing up good children is greatly possible.

Once a parent always a parent.  I give thumbs up to those who work hard to become responsible mothers and fathers to their children.  There’s ups and downs I know, but with patience and faith in God’s grace the reward is happiness in the home.

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Categories: family, family values, kids, parenting

Don’t Let Bullying Bother And Scare Your Kids ( Momimhar posted on March 30th, 2012 )

Sometimes kids draw disturbing things (like guns or car wrecks).  If your child’s masterpiece freaks you out, know that it likely came from a fear of bad things happening – not wanting to hurt others.

Look closely. Try to figure out what your child’s drawing means.  A monster is likely fear related, but violence directed at another person (say, someone stabbing someone else) is cause of concern.

-From what I have had seen from a child I knew before, he drew two kids.  One was holding a small bucket hitting the other.  He told me that the one who’s hitting with a bucket is his older brother and he’s the one who’s got hit.  That was upsetting.  Older siblings should look after their younger brothers or sisters treating them nice and take care of them.

Ask about it.  If a drawing raises a red flag, it’s important to find out what’s going on in your kid’s head.  Ask about the picture – who is in it, and what he was thinking of when he drew it.

-When it’s play time, my niece and nephew sometimes draw and play pretend.  They always show me their drawings.  Gladly they express happy thoughts in their artwork.  It is very important to communicate with kids even in a little way.

Talk it out.  If your kid can’t explain it, ask him flat out if there’s anything he’s afraid of or if something’s bothering him.  Once you identify the fear, you can help him work through it.

-Kids sometimes do not tell what’s bothering them.  It requires patience to let them open up.  My sister was bullied by a classmate when she was in high school.  We did not know until I went to her room and started a typical conversation with her.  Then we came to the point where I asked how’s school and stuff like that.  Then she became quiet for a while.  I did not stop talking, asking her then suddenly she was teary-eyed telling me about that classmate bullying her in school.  After I learned about the situation that night, my mother and I went to her school and talked to the teacher/adviser.  We confronted the boy who was giving my sister a hard time in their class.  After that, my sister’s back to her cheerful aura. 

Reference:  Parents, December 2010

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Categories: behavior, communication, kids

DIY Ottomans As Some Extra Accents ( Momimhar posted on March 30th, 2012 )

Guest post written by Ray Adams

We’re on a never-ending journey to creating the home interior of our dreams. I’m really looking forward to that one day when we finally get there. But I’m sure that the saying’s true about interior design and you’re never really truly finished decorating. Right now we’re on the hunt for a pair of awesome ottomans and it’s been a tough hunt. So we’ve decided to get our hands dirty and make them ourselves.

We’ve been looking online to see the best way to DIY an ottoman and when I was searching one day I saw some information on roofing that was a happy surprise to find. Replacing our roof is one of those long-term projects we have on the back burner, so we’re going to use the website to do that service for us. Now that’s something we won’t even think about DIY-ing!

We found how to do a few different ottomans and decided to actually make four square ones so that we can arrange them together or separate them in the room. That way they’ll be more versatile, which is our goal in adding some to our decor.

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Categories: hobbies, home, lifestyle

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