My kids are really stubborn and sometimes when I tell them something I have to tell them WAY too many times to actually see it happen. My son, especially, never listens when I tell him to clean up his room or stop texting at the table or whatever it happens to be. My husband thinks it’s just them being normal teenagers but I for one think it’s just disrespectful – children should listen to their elders! I recently decided to get WildBlue and the new struggle in the house is keeping the kids off the web at all hours of the day. They like to chat with their friends and mess around on Facebook which is fine for me…in moderation. My son last week spent about 12 hours online just during the school week! I don’t think that’s appropriate and though I told him so he doesn’t seem to listen. Shock and awe to that one! I’m thinking of taking away some privileges and seeing how that affects his listening skills if you know what I mean.
Contribution by Stevie Kirby