Healthy Family Is A Happy Family ( Momimhar posted on January 11th, 2010 )

I always care about my family’s wellness. I do not want any of us get sick. That is why I regularly check my family back home.

Taking vitamins and eating healthy foods are very important to maintain physical health. With healthy mind and body, we have the strength to work on things everyday. We also have the resistance to sickness.

Milk is a supplement that the body uses to regain its energy. It has multi-vitamins and minerals like protein that helps strengthen bones and muscles. Children should drink milk everyday. Adults too.

Stay healthy. Be happy.

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8 responses

  1. emie says:

    sure lets exchange links, let me know il add u asap

  2. imelda says:

    you are right on this sis.

  3. imelda says:

    making my daily rounds here sis

  4. vivapinay says:

    I have added you already in my blogroll. Hope you could add mine.

    My family is my priority too!


  5. janis says:

    amen to that 🙂

  6. ME says:

    thanks for the visit…

  7. chuwie says:

    nice blog..

    health is wealth..

    i added you in my bloglist..hope you can do the same..

    thanks and god bless..

  8. *MrsMartinez* says:

    your health is your wealth! xoxo

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